Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD
Every year in Michigan the seasons change 4 times, and in September the days become shorter. Each of us experiences the challenge of our Pineal Gland secreting Melatonin at an earlier time of day, making us feel tired. Melatonin as we know, promotes sleepiness and sleep is the opposite of wakefulness. The feeling of sleepiness at 5 pm, can also be depressing when we have 5 more hours of thing to get done. Daylight during the summer produces the experience of wakefulness. During the summer, it is easy to be alert and awake until 10 pm when the sun finally sets. In the winter, when the sun sets at 5 pm, many of us experience Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD, due to the days getting shorter. We long for a dose of sunlight to stimulate our wakefulness. As a result, I have embarked on my own personal journey with light therapy. I purchased 2 light therapy instruments, both emit 10K Lux the equivalent of a bright sunny day: (1) the Light Visor and (2) the LUXOR. Personally, I have used the Light Visor every day, because I can move around while I wear this visor with “happy lights” to make my coffee and do my makeup. Meanwhile, the Luxor, is for use at my desk in the afternoon to increase the duration of daylight and create a sense of wakefulness. As a result of this research, I can say Light Therapy Works!!! When you use it daily. It provides the energy of a cup of espresso without the calories or effort, just the flip of a switch. Add a little Vitamin D and find increased productivity.
Have fun!!! Peace, C. King, MD